Anna Zimmermann (b. 1990, Berlin, Germany) is a multidisciplinary artist whose practice spans painting, sculpture and design. Raised in the dynamic cultural landscape of Berlin, Anna’s work explores themes of femininity, self-expression, and contemporary culture, informed by her background in fashion, digital product, and graphic design.

Her oil portraits reflect a bold fusion of figurative expressionism, weaving intricate visual narratives that explore the complexities of body language, emotion, and gender. By capturing moments of introspection and movement, her work often feels like a dance, where desire and powerful gestures merge into a fluid dialogue. Through her art, Anna invites viewers to reflect on the interaction between observer and subject, blurring the lines between perception and reality.

Anna’s approach to painting is process-driven and marked by a tactile engagement with her materials, resulting in rich, layered compositions that combine spontaneous gestures with intentional craftsmanship. Her pieces evoke a patchwork feel of a Gesamtkunstwerk—where diverse elements like color, form, and texture converge into a holistic narrative. This dynamic integration of themes creates a deeply immersive visual experience—a nuanced exploration of how personal and collective experiences shape our understanding of self. Her art encourages reflection, embracing complexity and ambiguity while maintaining a striking visual clarity that captivates and provokes thought.